Navigating menopause in the workplace: Insights and support for managers

How line managers can play a vital role in managing and supporting colleagues with menopausal symptoms   October is World Menopause Month and on 18 October every year, World Menopause Day is observed.  This aims to raise awareness about menopause and support for women going through their natural life transition. Menopause, typically occurring between the…

The importance of building rapport

We spent last weekend in Liverpool, celebrating my husband’s birthday and seeing our son who is at university up there. We love the city and we love its people. Always so friendly and helpful. We stayed in an hotel in the centre, not far from the Cavern Club, and it really brought to mind what…

This is me!

At the start of lockdown last year I, like many people, had to face up to the fact that Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Google Meet, etc. were going to be a more intrinsic way of life than ever before. I had never subscribed to a paid Zoom account, as I had barely used it previously; I didn’t have…

Ways to start building your confidence

Expanding your horizons, even just a little bit at a time, can help to build up your confidence. Try to do something new or different each week, no matter how small, to introduce yourself to new experiences. Why not try any of these: Shop in a different town Take a different route to work Start…

The Importance of Kindness

Kindness is good for you! Yes really! Kindness not only benefits the recipient of the act, but also the giver. Over the last few months, I have experienced examples of overwhelming kindness, from friends, neighbours, colleagues and even complete strangers. My Mum was ill with terminal cancer last year, so there was lots of pressure…